Scholarships for hmt students

For who? All students at hmt Rostock
Funding period: from 1st October for 12 months
Application deadline: 31st March
Application procedure: Call for applications [de]
Applications with the following documents must be sent via email to
- Application form [de]
- CV/résumé
- Cover letter
Please summarize your documents into one PDF document according to the above mentioned chronology. Name it as follows: "Surname_hmtRostock_Deutschlandstipendium.pdf"
The Cover letter is crucial for the invitation to the audition. The audition decides on the award.
General information about the Deutschlandstipendium [de]
Allocation criteria Deutschlandstipendium [de]
We currently award 13 scholarships. The scholarship, each amounting to €300 per month, are funded jointly by private donors and the Federal Government.
Mr. Martin Rieck
For who?
- Students, who are able to prove outstanding achievements and whose own financial means do not exceed the highest rate for BAföG,
- who are enrolled at the Rostock University of Music and Drama (hmt Rostock) during the funding period and
- who are under 30 years of age when funding begins.
Funding period: from 1st September for 12 months
Application deadline: 31st January
Application procedure: Call for application [de]
Applications with the following documents must be sent via email to
- Application form [de]
- Application form [en]
- CV/résumé
- current certificate of enrollment
- Bank statements for the last 3 months of all existing bank accounts
Please summarize your documents into one PDF document according to the above mentioned chronology. Name it as follows: "Surname_hmtRostock_ad_infinitum.pdf"
The audition decides on the award.
We currently award 11 scholarships.
Mr. Martin Rieck
For who?
Artists who have completed their studies and are planning to realise an artistic project at hmt Rostock
Funding period: 12 months
Application deadline: -
- Call for applications [de]
- Information about the application process [de]
- Applications for a CDF Scholarship [de]
- Suggestions for possible first and second reviewer [de]
- Data protection information [de]
General information and regulations
LGFG M-V [de]
LGFVO M-V [de]
Information on legal regulations concerning insurance [de]
Mr. Martin Rieck
For who?
Students who have been accepted to hmt Rostock as doctoral candidates and whose academic supervisor is a professor or university lecturer at hmt.
Start of funding: October 1, 2023
Application deadline: June 30, 2023
- Call for applications [de]
- Information about the application process [de]
- Application for Landesgraduiertenförderung (State Graduate Scholarship Programme) [de]
- Data protection information [de]
General information and regulations
LGFG M-V [de]
LGFVO M-V [de]
Information on legal regulations concerning insurance [de]
Mr. Martin Rieck
For who?
Singing students at hmt Rostock
- Enrolment at hmt in BA Singing, MA Opera Singin or MA Concert Singing
- Not on a leave of absence in the respective summer semester
- BA students in their max. 7th subject semester, MA students in their max. 3rd subject semester
Funding period: from 1st April
Application deadline: 15th January
Application procedure:
Applications with the following documents must be sent via email to
- application form [de]
- CV/résumé
- Cover letter
- Letter of recommendation by the main subject professor
- copy of passport
- Digital audio or video recording via links to YouTube or Google Drive. The repertoire is freely selectable, Maximum 2 pieces. Files attached to emails and links with expiration date via WeTransfer etc. cannot be considered.
Please summarize your documents into one PDF document according to the above mentioned chronology. Name it as follows: "Surname_hmtRostock_Giovanni-Omodeo-Stiftung.pdf"
A selection committee at the foundation will decide on the allocation of the scholarships based on the submitted application documents.
The scholarships are awarded to singing students in one lump sum. Master’s students receive € 3,000.00 each and bachelor’s students € 2,700.00.
Mr. Martin Rieck
YEHUDI MENUHIN - Live Music Now Rostock e.V.

For who? classical and popular music students of the hmt (jazz, musical, chanson, world and folk music) as well as music students in eduaction.
- Ensembles with 2 to 3 members and soloists can apply (pianists only as accompaniment, as a piano or grand piano cannot be organized in all venues).
- Instrumentalists aged 16-30 and singers aged 18-32 are accepted.
Application process:
- An application folder with an artistic CV, date of birth, address, photo, repertoire list and audition program must be submitted.
- At least two pieces in different styles (including individual movements) must be prepared, as well as a personal introduction and moderation. The entire presentation should last 15 minutes.
Christiane Prechtel
Chairperson of LMN Rostock e.V.
Parkstraße 43 | D-18119 Warnemünde
fon +49 381 51 91 977
Adelheid Göckeritz
Music Committee of LMN Rostock e.V.
Herderstr. 10 | D-18055 Rostock
fon +49 381 4903900
For who?
Highly talented music and acting students at hmt Rostock
Outstanding talent, first degree and proof of financial need
Funding period:
- Entire length of studies
- If applicable, subsequent funding to support start of professional career
Application procedure:
- Teacher of major subject submits a recommendation to the Rectorate. Students are not able to apply directly.
- The University reviews the giftedness of the nominee and passes the application on to the foundation.
- Extensive interview at the foundation.
Currently, no applications possible.
Mrs. Jeanett Heine
Secretarial Office
room OZ 02
fon +49 381 5108 100
Programme des DAAD

What can be funded?
At hmt Rostock, this programme from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) mainly funds study trips. It is also possible to receive funding for travelling to competitions, as well as for periods of study and internships abroad.
For who? Students at hmt Rostock
Application procedure and required documents
- Study trips and travel to competitions:
- Detailed description of the programme, including timeframe
- List of participants or description of preparations made by participants
- Study scholarship and internships
- PROMOS application form
Application deadline:
- The programme for 2024 will be advertised mid-June 2023.
- All documents must be submitted in full.
Application form [de]
Ms. Jeanne Baldensperger
fon +49 381 5108-226
room SZ 07

For who? All regularly enrolled international students and PhD (Student in Foudation year are not eligible for funding)
Funding period: Semester (4 months)
Application Deadline: April 15 for the summer semester, October 15 for the winter semester
Application procedure:
- Call for applications [de]
- Documents to be submitted: Bank statements for the last 3 months of all existing bank accounts (please upload in a PDF file in the application form).
- Applications are submitted online: Application form
Ms. Jeanne Baldensperger
fon +49 381 5108-226
room SZ 07

The DAAD Prize, which is endowed with €1,000, honours outstanding hmt international students or doctoral candidates who have distinguished themselves through special academic achievements as well as remarkable social or intercultural commitment. The award ceremony takes place during the ceremonial opening of the winter semester.
For who?
- Foreign students enrolled at the hmt, i.e. with a higher education entrance qualification obtained abroad (students, doctoral candidates or young graduates whose final examination was not more than 3 months ago)
- The nominee should be at least in the 2nd year of their Bachelor's or Master's degree programme.
The nominee has proof of excellent study achievements and are involved in community work/social projects
Funding period: One-time award
Application deadline: 15 June 2024
Selection procedure: Proposals for suitable candidates can be submitted by all teaching staff and administrative employees of hmt Rostock to the International Office by e-mail (internationalhmt-rostockde) or by post (letterbox in office M1 01) with complete documentation:
- Letter of recommendation from the nominator
- Proof of special academic achievements (transcript of records, competition certificate, etc...)
- Proof of remarkable social or intercultural commitment (confirmation of participation, certificate, etc.)
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form
The selection committee is the Rectorate of hmt Rostock. Selection criteria are special academic achievements and remarkable social or intercultural commitment.
Please note:
- Direct applications by students are not possible.
- Students who have already received the DAAD Prize cannot be considered again.
- Parallel funding is possible.
Ms. Jeanne Baldensperger
fon +49 381 5108-226
room SZ 07
Scolarships from talent promotion organisations
The Avicenna-Studienwerk supports Muslim students and doctoral candidates who
- demonstrate above-average academic achievements and think outside the box,
- are socially committed and actively involved in shaping society,
- are committed to their Islamic faith and are interested in interfaith dialogue.
Muslim high school graduates, students and doctoral candidates can apply. Non-Muslims can also be accepted for funding if they are particularly committed to dialogue with Islam or have a specific connection to Islam in their course of study.
Information on how to apply can be found on our website at
The Bischöfliche Studienförderung Cusanunswerk is the scholarship organisation of the Catholic Church in Germany. The task of the Cusanuswerk is to provide idealistic and material support for particularly talented Catholic German students of all disciplines at universities of science, art and music. Funding is provided for all degree programmes from the 2nd semester to the 1st professional examination. Scholarship holders undertake to actively participate in the educational work of the Cusanuswerk (holiday academies, student council conferences, graduate conferences, general meetings). Above-average intellectual and academic talent is required. Admission to the selection procedure is based on the recommendation of a university lecturer or student pastor. Self-applications are also possible. The maximum funding amount is €744 plus a flat-rate tuition fee of €300.
Contact address:
Cusanuswerk Bischöfliche Studienförderung
Baumschulallee 5, 53115 Bonn
Tel.: (0228) 98 38 40
ELES supports particularly talented Jewish students and doctoral candidates with German citizenship, citizenship of an EU member state or the status of a Bildungsinländer within the meaning of §8 BAföG for their education at state and state-recognised higher education institutions, i.e. universities, universities of applied sciences and colleges of art and music in Germany, the European Union and Switzerland, in accordance with the guidelines of the BMBF. Applications from non-Jewish students are possible.
This funding is based on the commitment and self-development opportunities of our scholarship holders.
The support provided by the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk consists of financial and non-material support for its scholarship holders.
The financial support consists of a monthly scholarship and a monthly lump sum for study costs or a lump sum for research costs. Family and childcare allowances can also be granted. The scholarships do not have to be repaid.
Contact information:
Postfach 210320 · 10503 Berlin
Tel.: Telefon (030) 3199 8170-0
Evangelisches Studienwerk
The Evangelisches Studienwerk supports talented Protestant German students at academic universities with study programmes lasting more than six semesters. Prerequisites are above-average performance and demonstrable commitment to the church and society. Applicants must submit their own application with an expert opinion and take part in a two-stage selection procedure. The application deadline is 1 March and 1 September of each year. Depending on financial circumstances, the monthly scholarship amounts to up to €744 plus a flat-rate study allowance of €300.
Contact information:
Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V.
Haus Villigst, Iserlohner Straße 25, 58239 Schwerte
Tel.: 02304 755196
Contact person in the hmt:
Herr Prof. Dr. Dr. Benjamin Lang
Herr Prof. Dr. Matthias Dreyer
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung supports academically qualified students of good character and socio-political responsibility in all study programmes. Scholarship holders are expected to complete their studies successfully and within a reasonable period of time. Continuous proof of performance is required. Scholarship holders currently receive up to €744 per month plus €300 for study costs. Depending on the applicant's situation, a contribution of up to €71 towards health insurance and up to €15 towards long-term care insurance is also paid. Scholarship holders with children can receive a family allowance of €155 per month.
Contact information:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. Abt. Studienförderung
Godesberger Allee 149, 53175 Bonn
Tel.: 0228 8830
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom awards study and doctoral scholarships to German and foreign students and doctoral candidates.
The decisive factors for admission to the scholarship programme are high academic, subject-specific talent, character qualities with the willingness to take on responsibility, as well as political and social commitment based on a liberal attitude.
The Foundation organises an application procedure twice a year. The application deadlines are 30 April and 31 October. Applications must be submitted online. The application portal opens approx. 4 weeks before the respective application deadline. After successful pre-selection, applicants are invited to a selection interview. The selection meetings take place twice a year, usually at the end of February/beginning of March and end of August/beginning of September at the Theodor Heuss Academy in Gummersbach.
Contact information:
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit
Karl-Marx-Straße 2
14482 Potsdam
Telefon: 030 22012634
Telefax: 030 69088102
Allgemeine Informationen und Zugang zum Bewerbungsportal:
The Hanns Seidel Foundation provides non-material and financial support to highly talented students who are also committed to social policy, so that they can play a critical and constructive role in shaping the constitutional and social state within the framework of the free and democratic basic order. German students of all disciplines who are enrolled as regular students at a university of applied sciences or a university of fine arts and music are eligible to apply. As a rule, applicants who are enrolled for a second degree programme or are older than 32 years of age are not eligible to apply. The forms required for the application can be requested from the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation's Student Support Centre. Application deadlines for students at academic universities are 31st May and 30th November.
Contact information:
Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V. - Studienförderung
Postfach 190846, Lazarettstraße 33, 80636 München
Tel.: 089 12580
Who is it for?
Students at universities, universities of applied sciences or (specialised) high school graduates on the second educational path who are committed to trade union, socio-political and social issues and have very good to good grades.
Application procedure:
- Application portal
Application deadline:
- Scholarship for studies and the Abitur on the second educational path - 01 August
- Doctoral scholarship - 15 October
Further information Hans Böckler Stiftung
The Heinrich Böll Foundation is the green political foundation and supports students and doctoral candidates from all disciplines and types of university in Germany and abroad who are in favour of the goals of the green project. It is committed to the idea of sustainability, advocates equal opportunities and sees itself as a study and doctoral programme that contributes to the promotion of democracy.
Students (even before starting their studies) and doctoral candidates apply directly to the foundation. Students on bachelor's, state examination or diploma degree programmes can apply up to the third semester (in their first degree).
International students who have obtained their higher education entrance qualification outside Germany and already have a first degree can apply for funding for a Master's programme in Germany; proof of a first degree is a prerequisite for this.
Funding is available in particular (but not exclusively) for
- People with a history of migration
- women
- Students from non-academic backgrounds
- Students from STEM subjects (especially with a focus on the environment, ecology, etc.), economics and law, arts and journalism (see also the "Media diversity, different" study scholarship programme)
- Students from universities of applied sciences
And in the international funding programme:
Students and doctoral candidates from Central and Eastern Europe, EU neighbouring countries/CIS, the Near and Middle East, North Africa, transition and emerging countries as well as conflict regions worldwide
Criteria for admission to the programme are:
- Outstanding performance at school and university
- Social commitment and political interest
- Personality profile and special skills such as creativity, self-reflection, intercultural competence and gender sensitivity, goal-orientation
- Support for the goals of the Heinrich Böll Foundation
Contact information:
Schumannstraße 8, 10117 Berlin
Tel.: 030 28534 400, Fax.: 030 28534 109
The Konrad Adenauer Foundation aims to enable students of above-average ability to study and prepare them for positions in public life, academia, business and international organisations. German and foreign students, who should not be older than 32 years, are supported. The scholarship holders undertake to take part in holiday academies and to achieve above-average academic performance. The amount of the scholarship depends on the financial situation. Application deadlines are 15 January for admission to the summer semester and 15 July for admission to the winter semester. A letter of recommendation from a university lecturer assessing the applicant's academic qualifications and a further letter of recommendation assessing the applicant's personal suitability must be submitted.
Contact information:
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. Institut für Begabtenförderung
Rathausallee 12, 53757 St. Augustin
Tel.: 02241 2460
The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation sees itself as part of the basic intellectual current of democratic socialism. It was recognised in 1992 by the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) - now the Left Party - as a party-affiliated, nationwide foundation.
The aim of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is to contribute to the democratisation of political decision-making, to social justice and solidarity and to overcoming patriarchal, ethnic and national oppression through political education.
Contact information:
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Studienwerk
Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin
Telefon: 030 44310-223
The Klaus Murmann Foundation for German Business (sdw) supports high-achieving students and doctoral candidates from all disciplines who are characterised by public spirit and entrepreneurship. A special support programme - the Studienkolleg - is aimed at student teachers. The foundation's homepage provides information on the funding conditions. Scholarships and book allowances currently amount to up to €897 per month for students and up to €1150 per month for doctoral students.
Contact information:
Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (sdw) gGmbH
im Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft
Breite Str. 29, 10178 Berlin
Tel.: 030 20331540
For whom? First-year students (not for second or postgraduate studies)
Funding period: entire period of study (including Master's programme)
Application procedure:
- Students must be nominated by university lecturers
- Internal university selection procedure decides on the invitation to the selection procedure at the Studienstiftung
Contact person in the hmt:
Herr Prof. Matthias Kirschnereit
Raum S1 12
Weitere Informationen unter:
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Other scholarship providers
For whom?
Talented prospective students in the fields of music and composition who have been recognised by internationally recognised competitions, or highly talented early and junior students.
Application procedure:
- Submission of an application portfolio
- Subsequent selection by the board
Further information can be found at:
For whom?
Music students (classical and pop)
Application deadline: 31st October
Further information at:
For whom?
Young, highly talented Spanish musicians or musicologists with a good knowledge of German
Application procedure: Direct application
Application deadline: 10th January
Special features: Before submitting the application, the student must contact a recognised music teacher or musicologist in Germany in order to reach a binding agreement on the possibility of study or academic supervision.
Further information can be found at:
idealo scholarship
• 1 full scholarship with a total value of €9,000
• 12 months of €750 to support your studies
For who?
• Students of all courses and semesters
• At least one exceptional talent
• by March 31
Link to the application:
Funding for musical instruments, further musical training, music projects, etc.
Application deadline: 30 June
For whom?
Pupils who are the first in their family to take up a course of study and are no more than 20 years old.
Eligibility period:
Last two school years and the first year at university
Application procedure:
- Registration in the applicant portal including a letter of assessment from a teacher
- If application is successful: selection test
For whom?
For prospective students with vocational training
- Completed vocational training + 2 years of professional experience
- Proven special performance in training and profession
- No university degree or 2nd semester not yet completed
Application procedure:
- Online application
- Competence check
- Selection interview