
You will find biographies of many of our lecturers organised according to the four institutes and the departments.

Lecturers at the Department of Music

String Instruments

Prof. Ulrike Bals, Violin
Prof. Natalie Clein, Cello
Antoaneta Emanuilova, Cello
Prof. Andreas Ehelebe, Double Bass
Prof. Stefan Hempel, Violin
Prof. Christiane Hutcap, Violin
Prof. Sylvio Krause, Violin
Daniel Paulich, Cello
Prof. Henja Semmler, Violin
Prof. Piotr Szumiel, Viola
Prof. Simone von Rahden, Chamber Music
Prof. Frank Thoenes, Double Bass
Prof. Dr. Holger Wangerin, Violin


Wind Instruments

Julie Bonde, Trumpet
Christoph Enzel, Saxophone
Sabine Franz, Flute
Prof. Ignacio García, Horn
Andreas Luhn, Tuba
Tomer Maschkowski, Trombone
Prof. Christian Packmohr, Trumpet/Baroque Trumpet
Prof. Dirk Peppel, Flute
David Petersen, Bassoon
Prof. Heiner Schindler, Clarinet
Prof. Dr. Anja Setzkorn-Krause, Flute
Bertold Stecher, Trumpet
Stephan von Hoff, Bassoon
Bodo Werner, Horn
Prof. Thomas Widiger, Clarinet
Jamie Williams, Trombone
Prof. Gregor Witt, Oboe 

Keyboard Instruments

Prof. Gregor Hollmann, historical keyboard instruments
Prof. Stephan Imorde, Piano
Alexander Kaatz, Piano
Prof. Matthias Kirschnereit, Piano
Vasyl Kotys, Piano
Oleksiy Kushnir, Piano
Eri Mantani, Piano
Endri Nini, Piano/Chamber Music
Martin Rost, Organ
Daniel Seng, Piano
Prof. Hans-Peter Stenzl & Prof. Volker Stenzl, Piano Duo
Prof. Bernd Zack, Piano
Heike Ziecke, Piano/ Chamber Musi


Prof. Florian Erdl, Conducting
Prof. Christfried Göckeritz, Conducting and Correpetition
Prof. Christian Hammer, Conducting and Correpetition

Further Subjects

Florian Ahlborn, vocal and linguistic exercises
Astrid Barber-Weiner, vocal and linguistic exercises
David Behnke, vocal part studies
Gordana Cznkovic, breathing exercises
Franz-Josef Dieken, scenic basics
Dr. Marit Fiedler, vocal and linguistic exercises
Magdalena Fischer, vocal and linguistic exercises
KMD Prof. Dr. h. c. Markus Langer, Coral conducting
Frauke Meyer, Dramatic lessons
Anne-Lisa Nathan, french
Nicola Panzer, dramatic lessons
Hans Herrmann Rehberg, music management and career planning



Nanase Arakawa-Letzgus, Correpetition Double Bass
Mathis Bereuter, Correpetition Strings
Edgar Sherian-Braun, Vocal Correpetition
Olha Chipak, Correpetition Piano
Csaba Grünfelder, Vocal Correpetition/Role Studies
Prof. Thomas Hinz, Vocal Correpetition
Wolfgang Kluge, Vocal Correpetition
Christina Noe, Correpetition Violin
Daniel Seroussi, Correpetition Strings
Matthias Veit, Vocal Correpetition
Naaman Wagner, Correpetition Strings
Dariya Yastrezhembskaya, Correpetition Trumpet

Lecturers at the Department of Musicology, Music Theory and Composition


Fabian Bade, Teaching assignment
Dr.Christian Deting, Teaching assignment
Adrian Fühler, Musicology
Prof. Dr. des. Gabriele Groll, Musicology
Dr. Rolf Ketteler, Teaching assignment
PD Dr. Ulrich Krämer, Korngold Edition
Tim Kuhlmann, Korngold Edition
PD Dr. Cordelia Miller, Teaching assignment
Prof. em. Dr. phil. habil. Hartmut Möller, Musicology
Dr. Elfi Vomberg, Teaching assignment
Dr. Jana Weißenfeld, Musicology
Prof. em. Dr. Walter Werbeck
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Friederike Wißmann, Musicology

Music Theory & Composition

Dr. Julia Deppert-Lang, Composition/ Aural Training/ Analysis/ Electronic Music
Michael Jakumeit, Composition/ Aural Training/ Analysis/ Instrumentation
Juliane Jedicke, Composition/ Aural Training/ Analysis
Prof. Dr. Dr. Benjamin Lang, Music Theory/ Composition
Dongdong Liu, Hearing Analysis/ History of New Music
Jan Meßtorff, Composition/ Aural Training/ Analysis
Jona Monti, Music Theory/ Aural Training/ Analysis
Angelika Moths, Notation/ Early Music
Lars Opfermann
Volkhardt Preuß, Analysis and Piano Improvisation
Marinus Jan Ruesink, Music Theory
Christian Schlegel, Music Theory
Lujia Sun, Music Theory
Volkes Thies, Composition/ Aural Training/ Analysis
Nikos Titokis, Composition/ Aural Training/ Analysis
Prof. Peter Manfred Wolf, Composition/ Music Theory

Lecturers at the Department of Music Education and Theatre Education

Angelika Albrecht, Singing
Miriam Alexandra, Singing
Julia Altessini-Käthe, Singing
Jörg Uwe Andrees, Practical piano playing
Nefeli Angeloglou, Elementary Music Pedagogy
Daniel Arnold, Choral Direction
Dr. phil. Gitta Barthel, Choreographie
Urs Benterbusch (Band instruments circle)
Christiane Blumeier-Braun, Singing
Norbert Chlebowitz, Practical piano playing
Marlene Colle, Elementary Music Pedagogy
Petra Cavet, Kinematics
Prof. Matthias Dreyer, Drama in Education
Dr. Ina Driemel, Scientific Associate
Dr. Marit Fiedler, Speech Training
Teresa Finke, Speech Training
Prof. Dr. Bernd Fröde, Music Pedagogy
Rico Gatzke, Piano
Andreas Gomoll, Practical piano playing
Dr. phil. Alina Gregor, Performance
Lilit Grigoryan, Piano
Helen Hammerich, Music Pedagogy
Benjamin Hecht, Digital Teaching
Klaudia Hinke, Practical Guitar playing
Anne-Kathrin Holz, Theater didactics
Janina Howitz, Elementary Music Pedagogy

Caroline Intrup, Speach Training
Michael Junge, Singing
Dr. phil. Jan-Peter Koch, Practical piano playing
Prof. Dr. Oliver Krämer, Music Pedagogy
Simone Kucher, Scenic writing
Prof. Marion Küster, Drama in Education
Hiroko Kume-Zack, Piano
Christian Kuzio, Digital Music Practice
Philipp Lang, Music Pedagogy
Manja Lange, Elementary Music Pedagogy
Prof. Dr. Silke Lehmann, Music Pedagogy
Olaf Lemme, Singing
Andreas Lindner, Cello
Maren Maxeiner, Singing
Axel Meier, Drumset
Lee Méir, Choreography
Dr. Pepetual Mforbe, Project Director of “Künstlerische Biographien: Transkuturell”
Yvonne Middelborg, Elementary Music Pedagogy
Takako Onodera, Singing
Marten Pankow, Digital Music Practice
Aukse Petroni, Singing
Franziska Pfaff, Elementary Music Pedagogy
Dr. Maximilian Piotraschke, Music Pedagogy
Robin Portune, Conductor Orchestra Music Education
Prof. Anne-Elisabeth Ramsenthaler, Flute
Martin Rieck, Singing
Marie Schünemann, Theater didactics

Prof. Dr. Steven Schiemann, Music Pedagogy
Dr. Anna Schwenke, Speech Training
Nika Somborak, Cello
Veit Sprenger, Performance & Theater directing
Hannah Stoll, Saxophon
David Ströhr, Theater directing
Martin Rieck, Singing
Jan Hendrik Rörden, Practical piano playing
Juliane Sayk, Music Pedagogy
Wolfgang Schmiedt, E-Guitar
Friederike Schubert, Acting
Eva Spaeth, Elementary Music Pedagogy
Bernd Spitzbarth, Choral Direction
Hannah Stoll, Saxophone
Dietlind-Maria Stropahl, Practical piano playing
Christian Thadewald-Friedrich, Practical piano playing
Kristina Umland, Elementary Music Pedagogy
Sabine Vogel, Elementary Music Pedagogy
Sarah Wang, Piano
Siegfried Weber, Elementary Music Pedagogy
Prof. Dietrich Wöhrlin, Percussion/Drums
Heike Ziecke, Piano/Chamber Music
Isabelle Zinsmaier, Drama in Education

Lecturers at the Department of Drama

Florian Ahlborn, Speech Training
Sven Asmus, Theatre
Astrid Barber-Weiner, Speech Training
Laura Witzleben, Body & Choreographie
Prof. Andreas Dresen, Film
Prof. Dr. Matthias Dreyer, Theatre
Henrik Giese, Song Interpretation
Muriel Hahn, Speech Training

Caroline Intrup, Speech Training
Prof. Gudrun Kahle, Speech Training
Alice Köfer, Vocal Training
Prof. Marc Letzig, Acting
Ute Lubosch, Acting
Thomas Möckel, Vocal Interpretation

Marie Anne Müller, Acrobatics and Fencing
Stefan Pietzsch, Speech Training
Matthias Spehr, Film
Prof. Olaf Umlauft, Speech Training
Prof. Jutta Wangemann, Dramaturgy
Prof. Markus Wünsch, Acting
Prof. Esther Zschieschow, Acting

Prof. Matthias Kirschnereit unterrichtet eine Studentin.